Stop Shower Drain


like mildew

Pour at least a cup of baking soda down the drain. You may need to use a funnel. Do this before bed and let the baking soda sit overnight. It will help deodorize the drain.

The next morning after the baking soda has been in the drain for a few hours, boil about 2 cups of vinegar in an electric kettle.

You want the vinegar nice and hot. As a bonus, this will also clean your tea kettle.

Pour the boiling vinegar down the drain onto the baking soda. This will create a reaction with the baking soda.

The vinegar also has disinfectant and deodorizing properties.

Right after you pour the vinegar over top of the baking soda insert the drain plug.

When you combine baking soda and vinegar it creates carbon dioxide.

When you insert the drain plug as the gas is forming it creates a vacuum that helps pull down gunk and clogs in the drain.

After the bubbling dies down rinse the drain with water. Your shower drain will be nice and fresh. Keep the plug inserted when not in use.

Stop Shower Drain


like mildew