Shower Valve Height Spacing Guide

Shower Valve Set in Bathtub

If your home shower is within a bathtub, you will want to fit your shower valve at a height of two feet and four inches (You might want to Pick The Right Curtain For Your Shower).

Shower Valve Set in Bathtub

This measurement should be taken from the floor of your bathtub, and not the floor of the room that it is in.

Shower Valve Set in Bathtub

This measurement is a lot lower than if your shower was in its own stall. The reason is that the valve is also tasked with connecting the bath tap and the shower.

Shower Valve Set in Bathtub

Another consideration is that when you take your relaxing end-of-day bath (that you have oh-so earnt), you don’t want to be struggling to reach the valve, you want it to be easy.

Shower Valve Set in Bathtub

Also, while you are already dreaming of your bath tonight, remember to factor in its tub spout height as well.

Shower Valve Set in Bathtub

The tub spout needs to measure four inches higher than the tub’s top edge. What this will do is create a two-inch gap over your bathtub’s overflow rim.

Shower Valve Set in a Shower Stall

If your shower stands proud and alone in its own shower stall, you will be pleased to know that it is a whole lot easier.

Shower Valve Set in a Shower Stall

The standard height for a shower valve in a stall should be measured at four feet exactly.

Shower Valve Set in a Shower Stall

At four feet, your kids should be able to comfortably reach it, while the taller members of the family shouldn’t have too hard of a time either.

Shower Valve Set in a Shower Stall

Of course, if you are raising an army of giants, this is what we would consider special circumstances, but for most families of average height, four feet is the money number.

Shower Valve Height Spacing Guide