To start, pour one whole cup of white vinegar into your toilet bowl. Now grab your toilet brush and give the inside of your toilet bowl a good scrub with the vinegar/ toilet water mix. Make sure you swish the vinegar all over the bowl.

The next step is to shower your toilet bowl with one cup of baking soda. Once you have done this you will want to get another two extra cups of vinegar into the bowl to really get things moving.

After 10 minutes have passed, grab a hold of your toilet brush and scrub the mixture over your entire toilet bowl. We’re talking above the water line, up and under the rim, and, of course, all over the toilet ring.

Once you have thoroughly done this it is officially time for you to put your feet up. Why? Because you have a whole 30 minutes before your final swish, scrub, and flush actions will commence.

To bring your toilet back from a life of stains and pain, sprinkle a ¼ cup of borax into your toilet bowl and give it a good and proper swish with your toilet brush.

Next, pour one cup of vinegar into the toilet and give it a swish and scrub around. You will like the next part because it gives you time away from your toilet, 20 minutes to be exact.

After 20 minutes come back to the toilet with your toilet brush at the ready. Using your toilet brush, scrub the entire bowl with a good dosage of elbow grease.

Once you feel like you couldn’t possibly scrub anymore, press flush and admire the sparkly fruits of your labor.