Depending on its intended use, towels typically come in several varieties. For instance , some towels are heavier and thicker than others. As a result, you might need to alter your fold for each towel type.

While some techniques will work with all towel sizes, others won’t. Bath towels and hand towels can be folded using any of these methods despite having varied sizes.

It’s important to keep in mind that the sort of fold you use depends heavily on the available storage. Examine your available space to decide if a standard-sized fold or a smaller fold is required.

While some people merely fold and store their towels, others hang them in the kitchen or bathroom. The style of fold you select will undoubtedly depend on how you intend to use and keep the towel.

Lay your towel down on a flat surface. Fold one of the corners diagonally, creating a point on one end with the sides lined up evenly. Fold the towel lengthwise in half so it looks like a long strip.

Flip the towel so that the fold is on the bottom. Begin tightly rolling the towel on the side that doesn’t have the point. Once rolled, tuck the point into the roll to stop it from unraveling.

Lay your towel down on a flat surface. Fold the long end towards the middle of the towel, then do the same with the other end. Fold the shorter ends towards the middle, leaving a small gap between the two ends. Fold the towel in half.

Lay your towel down on a flat surface. Fold both of the long sides into the middle of the towel. Fold the towel in half by the short sides. Fold one of the short ends into the center of the towel. Hang the towel as you please

Lay your towel down on a flat surface. Fold the towel in half by the long sides. Fold the towel in half again so that it is lined up with the short sides. Fold the hemmed side into the middle of the towel.

Lay your towel down on a flat surface. Fold the towel in half by the short ends. Fold the towel in half by the short ends again so you have a long, thin towel. Fold the short ends of the towel into the middle.