Bathroom Cleaning Chemicals You Should Never Mix

Individually, vinegar and hydrogen peroxide are excellent household cleaners. You can use vinegar to wipe bathroom countertops and possibly alternate with a hydrogen peroxide mix. Do not use them together or at the same time.

Hydrogen peroxide and Vinegar

Do not mix these chemicals in the same container. When combined, the two chemicals create peracetic/peroxyacetic acid. Peracetic acid is a disinfectant. It is a highly corrosive chemical and should never be poured down the drain.

Hydrogen peroxide and Vinegar

Bleach contains sodium hypochlorite. Vinegar is acetic. A mixture of the two chemicals produces a pungent-smelling vapor called chlorine. Note that chlorine gas is invisible in small quantities. It is yellowish-green in large volumes.

Bleach and Vinegar

Chlorine is an irritant that causes nausea and breathing problems after exposure. You will have watery eyes with a burning sensation. More exposure may result in vomiting. Go out for fresh air when you get exposed to chlorine gas. 

Bleach and Vinegar

Baking soda and vinegar are excellent and affordable alternatives to household cleaners. Each works well on its own. They handle almost any type of stain without harming or discoloring the surfaces. The problem arises when you mix them.

Baking soda and vinegar

Rubbing alcohol (also called surgical spirit or isopropyl) is sold in pharmacies at a very concentrated level. It has about 70-99% alcohol content. When you combine rubbing alcohol with bleach, you create chloroform and Chloroacetone.

Bleach and rubbing alcohol

Toilet bowl cleaners contain chemicals to make them effective against dirt. Most of these cleaners are acidic. A combination of bleach and toilet bowl cleaner could produce chlorine gas. Chlorine gas causes nose, throat, and eye irritation.

Toilet bowl cleaner and bleach

Bathroom Cleaning Chemicals You Should Never Mix